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Капитан 1го ранга

Сообщений: 43951

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03 Августа 2009 04:05      
Капитан 1го ранга

Сообщений: 5053

для джейлбрейкнутых или нет?
...one is the loneliest number...

Das Hohelied der Liebe

SAAB Saved!

4 8 15 16 23 42
03 Августа 2009 09:10      
Капитан 1го ранга

Сообщений: 43951

ship пишет:
для джейлбрейкнутых или нет?
в смысле?

03 Августа 2009 12:47      
Капитан 1го ранга

Сообщений: 5053

Grigorij пишет:
в смысле?

ну есть такая фигня, называется Jailbreak, позволяет устанавливать программы не только из официального AppStore, но и другие...
добавляет много плюсов:
например можно оставлять программы работать на заднем фоне,
можно проигрывать флэш, можно проигрывать AVI файлы, а не только мп4 итыды итыды... все это конечно сказывается частично на времени работы от батарейки, но добавляет много положительного...

http://www.chip.de/bildergalerie/iPho ... d-Unlock-Galerie_37191689.html

единственный минус - после каждого апдейтеа фирмварЫ нужно снова ждать пока появится способ джейлбрейкнуть... плюс поговаривают, что с появлением OS 3.1 эта возможность совсем пропадет, но не хотелось бы...
...one is the loneliest number...

Das Hohelied der Liebe

SAAB Saved!

4 8 15 16 23 42
03 Августа 2009 15:08      
Капитан 1го ранга

Сообщений: 43951

ship пишет:
ну есть такая фигня, называется Яилбреак, позволяет устанавливать программы не только из официального АппСторе, но и другие...
добавляет много плюсов:
например можно оставлять программы работать на заднем фоне,
можно проигрывать флэш, можно проигрывать АВИ файлы, а не только мп4 итыды итыды... все это конечно сказывается частично на времени работы от батарейки, но добавляет много положительного...


ед ...
а гарантия при этом теряется? у меня уже 3.1...

03 Августа 2009 15:18      
Капитан 1го ранга

Сообщений: 5053

Grigorij пишет:
а гарантия при этом теряется? у меня уже 3.1...

как 3.1? она же пока только в бете существует...
ну по идее гарантия теряется конечно, но можно без проблем сделать downgrade на официальную версию и никто ничего не узнает и не заметит...

но, врать не буду, сам еще не сделал, ибо ввиду скорого выхода 3.1 подожду джейлбрейка для нее... не хочется каждый месяц телефон ковырять...
...one is the loneliest number...

Das Hohelied der Liebe

SAAB Saved!

4 8 15 16 23 42
03 Августа 2009 15:25      
Бывший океанец
Сообщений: 9826072

Grigorij пишет:
а гарантия при этом теряется? у меня уже 3.1...

Конечно, как же ты хотел?
Не покупайте устройства, которые надо взламывать, и будет счастье..
03 Августа 2009 15:26      
Капитан 1го ранга

Сообщений: 5053

ну хорошо, дабы вернуться к теме...

лично из того что стоит у меня:

Cams Ahoy! (Blitzwarner)
ICQ (естественно... хотя есть много IMs, kоторые параллельно с несколькими службами работают)

Tap Tap Revenge
Wooden Labyrinth 3D
...one is the loneliest number...

Das Hohelied der Liebe

SAAB Saved!

4 8 15 16 23 42
03 Августа 2009 17:38      
Бывший океанец
Сообщений: 9826072

амссс я себе вконтакте поставил, icq, facebook ... игры : need for speed, sonic (моё детство), rolando
03 Августа 2009 17:43      
Капитан 1го ранга

Сообщений: 43951

посоветуйте игры в стиле crayon physics deluxe, ragdoll blast, touch physics, с такого типа графикой (простой, но не уродливой).

03 Августа 2009 20:45      
Капитан 1го ранга

Сообщений: 43951

ship пишет:
как 3.1? она же пока только в бете существует...
ну по идее гарантия теряется конечно, но можно без проблем сделать довнграде на официальную версию и никто ничего не узнает и не заметит...

но, врать не буду, сам еще не сделал, ибо ввиду скорого выхода 3.1 подожду джейлбрейка для нее... не хочется каждый месяц телефон ковырять...
не, пардон. 3.0.1

03 Августа 2009 23:49      
Капитан 1го ранга

Сообщений: 5053

тема умерла? а жаль...
неужели всего только 3-4-5 айфона(офф) на весь океан?

даффайте, люди, делитесь, что у вас там на аппаратах установлено...
...one is the loneliest number...

Das Hohelied der Liebe

SAAB Saved!

4 8 15 16 23 42
05 Августа 2009 14:50      

Сообщений: 1766

05 Августа 2009 15:00      
Капитан 1го ранга

Сообщений: 5053

bigpuritz пишет:
http://evernote.com/ must have

online регистрация, я так понял, необходима?
как там у них насчет спЭма итыды? можно им давать реальный адрес? или стоит все тки дать какой нить "левый"?
...one is the loneliest number...

Das Hohelied der Liebe

SAAB Saved!

4 8 15 16 23 42
05 Августа 2009 15:17      

Сообщений: 1766

ship пишет:
онлине регистрация, я так понял, необходима?
как там у них насчет спЭма итыды? можно им давать реальный адрес? или стоит все тки дать какой нить "левый"?

онлайн регистрация в первую очередь потому, что все твои записи хранятся у них на сервере. адрес давай какой хочешь, особого притока спама не замечал.
05 Августа 2009 16:56      

Сообщений: 1766

все бесплатное...

A Personal Assistant - Need an assistant to manage your personal online accounts? This app lets you monitor banking, credit card transactions, investment accounts, and cell minutes among other tasks. The app supports accounts from Bloomberg, Chase, Bank of America, United, and others.

Action Method – This is another task management app, which lets you delegate or receive tasks on your iPhone. Tasks entries get synched automatically on your desktops. The app also lets you manage your contacts and organize tasks into groups.

AIM (Free Edition) - This is the free version of AIM’s social networking app for the iPhone. It lets you connect with your friends through Wi-Fi, EDGE or 3G networks. This version features multiple screen configurations and optional SMS notification when you receive messages. You can stay logged in 24-hours a day, view expressions and update your status.

AllRecipes.com Dinner Spinner - This is the iPhone version of the popular food site Allrecipes.com, putting thousands of quick and easy recipes in the palm of your hand. It contains reviews from food experts and high-res photos. Search for recipes based on the occasion, the ingredients, or the cooking time.

Backgrounds - This app gives you a daily dose of cool backgrounds for your iPhone. You can search through more than 5,00 background wallpapers with new ones added daily.

Balance – This is an electronic version of a paper-based checkbook register. The app lets you monitor your account balances by entering transactions on your phone. The app features password protection and the ability to export transactions to your computer.

BBC Reader – This app lets you browse BBC News stream by category. The reader loads fast, and provides an image slide show of top stories. You can access the reader even if you’re iPhone is not online or you’re in a low 3G reception spot.

Bump - This app was the billionth downloaded from Apple’s App Store. It’s a simple app that lets you transfer contact information from one iPhone to another iPhone by slightly bumping two iPhones together. Sweet and clever, right?

Dictionary.com - The free online dictionary comes to the iPhone via this new app. It offers the same features as the Web-based dictionary plus additional goodies including a thesaurus. You can use the app even if your iPhone is not online.

Discover – This free file management app is a good alternative to paid versions. Discover lets you transfer files from your iPhone to your PC or vice versa through a Wi-Fi connection. Use it to share files with friends, read files in various formats, and access your Mobile iDisk server.

Documents 2 – QuickOffice Mobile’s iPhone app was released recently. But it comes with a hefty price. This is a fairly new app offering almost the same functionality for free. Documents 2 offers eight productivity and business apps in one application including iSpreadheet, Integrated Wi-Fi HD, Text Editor, Google Sync, Photo Album, Direct Email, Pixi Sound and Integrated Preview. What more can you ask for?

Dog Whistler – Like traditional dog whistles, this app emits a high-pitched sound only a dog can here. Use it to teach your dog new tricks, or adjust pitch frequency to annoy people around you.

Easy Task Manager – This is probably the best free task manager app for the iPhone in a very crowded field. The app supports the Getting Things Done approach to organization and lets you sync up with multiple Macs and PCs.

EasyWriter - This app is particularly useful when composing emails. It provides an alternative typing interface in the iPhone’s landscape view. It also allows you to pinch and zoom text to adjust its size and keeps track of your text when incoming call or text message comes in.

Excuse Generator - With a touch of a button, this app generates the perfect excuse to skip out on school, work or the undesired activity of your choice.

FedEx Mobile for iPhone - If you’re a frequent FedEx customer, this app will come in handy. Use it to track shipments and link to FedEx’s Web site. This app allows you to create shipping labels, get a shipping rate quote, find the nearest FedEx Office, sign up for shipment notifications, and access your fedex.com Address Book.

Files Lite - This is the free version of the useful file management app for your iPhone. It allows you save and view various file formats including Microsoft Office documents, PDF documents, image files, audio and video files. Files Lite has a 200MB limit, but you can always get the paid version if you run out of space.

Free Translator – This useful app brings Google Translate API to the iPhone. Languages include Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish and Vietnamese.

Free Wi-Fi Finder - Add this app to the slew of free Wi-Fi finder apps for the iPhone. Using your iPhone’s GPS and network triangulation features, the app locates free Wi-Fi hotspots in more than 10,000 locations worldwide. It also lets you find the nearest Wi-Fi hotspot, search specific geographic regions, and filter Wi-Fi hotspots by location type.

FuzeLite – This is a robust app featuring SSL secure instant messaging through Windows Live Messenger, AIM, Yahoo!, Google Talk and Jabber. The app offers a free personal phone conference bridge number, and a free online meeting account.

iClickr Powerpoint Remote Lite - This app gives you complete control of a PowerPoint presentation including the slide animations. Use it to navigate through your slides with finger swipes and taps, track your presentation time with an onboard clock, set a presentation alarm, and view your slides and slide notes on your iPhone during the presentation. This is among the coolest apps ever to hit the iPhone.

iFirstAid – This app could save lives. It provides all the basic information you need for handling an emergency situation and applying first-aid properly. The app was developed in cooperation with the White Cross Rescue Association, so know the information is reliable.

iReference – Both simple and useful, this app offers three reference tools – a thesaurus, dictionary and proverb search. It contains more than 140,000 thesaurus and dictionary words and more than 1,000 proverbs. You can also bookmark results to view them later.

iSpreadSheet Free - There are several spreadsheet apps for the iPhone, but most require a fee. This is your best choice for a free spreadsheet tool. It has loads of features including Google Docs integration, online and offline worksheet management, portrait and wide-screen landscape views, complex formulas and more.

Music Healing Free - This app is particularly useful in stressful or intense situations, but also good for when you just want to relax. The app contains soothing musical pieces and beautiful images to help you relax.

New York Times – This app provides the latest news from the online edition of New York Times.

Note Me - I don’t know about you, but I find the default iPhone Notes app a little low on features. Note Me is a more powerful app letting you create notes and assign tags for easier searching later. You can even color code those tags for better note organization.

Pandora Box – This app will let you to stay up on the other iPhone apps hitting the iTunes Apps Store every day. You can view apps that have discount offers or paid apps that just became free. Use it to create your own list of favorite apps, track apps you need most, and search for apps by name.

QuickVoice Recorder with Free Voicemail - One of the most popular voice recorders for the iPhone, this app is very useful for recording ideas, to do lists, lectures, classes and more. It features one-touch recording, one-touch stopping and hours of recording space.

Read It Later Free - This is a very useful app for saving Web pages to read later.

Skype – This feature brings the popular Web-based calling service to the iPhone. Use it to make free Skype-to-Skype calls, landline calls, free instant messaging and more.

SugarSync - This is a companion app of the SugarSync desktop app letting you sync your Mac and PC files to your iPhone so that you can access them anywhere. To use this app, you need to install the SugarSync desktop first.

The Currency Converter - Particularly useful for frequent travelers, this app turns your iPhone into a pocket-sized currency converter. It supports more than 85 currencies.

TripIt - Another useful travel-related iPhone app, TripIt is a great travel organizer. It lets you send your travel confirmations email to the TripIt.com site and a master itinerary for your trip will be automatically generated. This itinerary will contain flight information, hotel bookings, car rental information, maps, driving directions and even the local weather conditions. It does, however, require membership at the TripIt site.

Wall Street Journal - This app is the online version of WSJ. It provided an updated news stream from the online version of the paper. This is great as long as you don’t mind the mobile ads.

Wikiamo – This is a nice Wikipedia viewer designed for your iPhone. It’s fully customizable even allowing you to view cached articles offline.

WritePad - This app lets your iPhone to recognize your handwriting. It’s a useful app for composing text messages and email using your finger as a pen.

Y! Music - If you’ve been using Yahoo LaunchCast powered by CBS, you’ll want this iPhone version. The app lets you listen to various radio stations around the country including Yahoo’s 150 stations. Since it’s streaming radio, the sound quality can’t compare to the iPhone’s iPod app.

Yahoo Messenger - Fans of Yahoo Messenger rejoiced when this app was released. It brings the same robust interface of the Web-based YM to the iPhone.

Yahoo News - This is the iPhone version of the online Yahoo! News site.

Checklist – this is a simple application that lets you note down important and unimportant tasks. It offers a clean and intuitive interface.

reQall - another simple application that reminds you about what you need to remember. Allows text, voice, IM, email or calendar entry reminders. Useful for creating to-do lists, shopping lists and visual reminders.

Zenbi List - Another great to-do application which even lets you share with other iPhone users. You can also edit your lists from your PC’s web browser aside from your iPhone.

Funambol - keeps your contacts synchronized with your address books, offering a better user interface and feedback mechanism than what comes as standard with the iPhone.

TouchCalc - although the iPhone and iPod Touch comes with a built-in calculator, TouchCalc offers advanced functions such as scientific mode, bit/integer mode and statistics mode. Suits the needs of students.

SugarSync - lets you synchronize your iPhone with your PCs or Macs, providing instant access to your PC files. The best part is is that any changes you make to your files on your desktops, are quickly reflected when you access them remotely using your iPhone.

EasyTask Manager - a good GTD application that also offers synchronization feature between your iPhone and multiple computers. It features an easy-to-use and simple interface.

LockBox - Yes, we all need a nifty application like this for storing sensitive information. This application lets you store sensitive credit card details, bank accounts passwords and other information that we need to remember and at the same time protect from other people. The application provides encryption technology through a user-specific secret code.

Cards - For users who maintain multiple credit cards or bank cards in their wallet, this application will definitely be useful. It lets you store credit card information in an AES-256 bit encryption.

Klick - A useful app for Flickr fans and users, lets you connect yo your Flickr account to share photos, browse contacts’ photos, and even locate photos near your location on a map.

eReader - If you don’t want to fork out cash for an Amazon Kindle, this application could be the next best thing. The new version lets you go to a specific page, change font sizes, and includes a back button for links, among other useful navigation features.

IM+ - Although there are other good IM applications for the iPhone, IM+ is definitely my choice because of its simple and clean interface and integration with major IM clients including, Yahoo, MSN, Google, MySpace, Jabber, ICQ, iChat, and AIM.

Tumble - Tumblr users would definitely hate us if we don’t include their iPhone applications on this list. But even without that threat, we can still say that Tumble is indeed a pretty useful application. It offers five ways to post on your Tumblr account, via Text, Photo, Quote, Link and Chat.

LifeCast - Everybody seems to be into web-based lifecasting today, so it is natural that the iPhone also has its own lifecasting application. This app lets you create multiple lifecasts, as well connect multiple blogs to your account.

InstaPaper – This app lets you save web pages for reading later on. This would definitely be useful for iPhone users who don’t want to minimise data carrier costs when browsing the web using their iPhone.

WordPress – A robust and yet simple app for updating your WordPress-powered blogs, whether for creating a new post or editing one that’s already been published.

SodaSnap Postcards - Lets you create electronic postcards from snapshots you take using your iPhone’s camera. You can also tag these postcards before sharing them with your iPhone contacts.

TapTap Revenge - Yes this is a game, but hey, who says a mobile game can’t be useful? Tap Tap Revenge would certainly be of use while killing time, waiting for a bus ride, or when waiting for a meeting. A bit of caution though, don’t play this game before going to bed. Chances are you won’t go to bed until very late.

Instamapper GPS Tracker - Offers free real-time location tracking, location-sharing and recording of “tracks” for later analysis. Lets you track your iPhone on Google Maps, allowing you to record 100,000 positions.

Shozu - Supporting 40 social networking and online content sites such as Facebook, Flickr, Blogger and many more, Shozu lets you stay connected with all your online contacts from the convenience of your iPhone. You can post photos, read and reply to comments, update your status and much more.

Fast Contacts - If you find the iPhone’s default Contacts utility a tad boring, then you might want to consider installing this app. Touted as Contacts on steroids, it lets you organize your iPhone contacts in ways that you never imagined could be possible.

LinkedIn - The king of business social networking, LinkedIn, heeded the call of the iPhone and released this app. You can do many of the things you can do the web-based LinkedIn , on this app for your iPhone.

Exposure - This is one of the first applications I installed in my iPhone. It gives you access to your Flickr account via your iPhone. You can pretty much do the same things that you can in your web-based Flickr account.

miGhtyDocs - A little application that caches your Google documents to your iPhone’s memory so you can read them even if you are not connected to the internet.

Bookmarks - Another simple, yet usefiul application for those who are still using Delicious bookmarks. It lets you access those bookmarks from your iPhone.

Evernote - This has been one of the most hyped iPhone apps. The idea behind Evernote is that it allows you capture, store and search information (ie make notes) easily using a variety of devices. It’s definitely a great application for remembering practically everything that needs to be remembered.

Personal Assistant - Lets you manage all your personal accounts, from Bloomberg, American Express, Chase, Citibank, Bank of America and many more. Features a leek-looking interface, real logos representing all supported accounts.

NY Traffic Cam - Lets you access hundreds of live traffic cameras in New York. Definitely a great application to have if you live in New York or have plans of doing business there.

TypePad - Another useful blogging application for the iPhone if you maintain a TypePad-hosted blog. It lets you create new blog posts, post photos and update your friends through the iPhone whenever you update your TypePad blog.

Upcoming - Helps you remember your contacts birthdays and hence enables you to greet them on their special day.,not a belated or advance greeting, but a greeting on the exact birthday.

Tanja SOS Flashlight – Allows you to use your iPhone as a flashlight, or to blink an SOS signal. Yes, we know it’s a ridiculous idea to use the iPhone for flashing SOS signals, but heck, you never know when it might come in handy.

iChoose - How many times have we been indecisive about making a decision? iChoose helps you make a decision especially in situations when right or wrong is of equal weight. It’s the modern day equivalent of tossing a coin or rolling a dice to arrive at a decision.

TwitterVision - One of several applications that bring the Twitter experience to the iPhone. This one however offers a unique and fun way of looking at Twitter posts through Twitter’s public timeline, via geo-maps. From the maps of Twitter posts, you can follow a link and a Twitter member by simply tapping on the links.

Bloomberg - This application may not ne one of those that gets too much publicity, but that doesn’t mean that it is not a useful application. On the contrary it is one of the most useful and even one of the best applications for the iPhone. The feeds keep you up-to-date with business news, including stock reports.

New York Times - Next to Bloomberg, NYT’s iPhone application is one of the most useful sources of up-to-date news and information on your iPhone. It lets you access the latest news and photos, customise your news category display, and read articles even when you are offline.

BookSearch - Here’s another underated iPhone application. It’s is a very usefu search application that lets you search for book information, and also allows you to order books online from CampusBooks4less.

AIM - AOL’s famous instant messaging has also made it to the iPhone as a native app. If you’re a die-hard AIM user, you would definitely want to install this feature-rich application onto your iPhone.

Facebook – This app allows you to take your Facebook world with you when you’re out and about. Described by some as one of the best free apps available for the iPhone, Facebook fans won’t be disappointed.

MySpace – Like the Facebook equivalent, this app allows MySpace fans to stay connected with their MySpace friends when they’re out and about. A must have app for MySpace fans.

Twitterific - If not for the occasional ads that appear when you are using it, this application is the next best thing to the web-version of Twitter. Allows you to both read and publish posts or “tweets” to the Twitter community website.
07 Августа 2009 10:46      

Сообщений: 1766

вот еще одну забыл..

1Password iPhone Edition
07 Августа 2009 12:32      
Бывший океанец
Сообщений: 9826072

cycorder - videos aufnehmen mit der iphonekamera

swirlymms - MMS mit dem iPhone verschicken

bossprefs - einfache verwaltung von 3G,WLAN,EDGE,SSH usw... icons verstecken usw..

sbsettings - ähnlich wie bossprefs nur bessere benutzeroberfläche (kann in jedem menü mit streifen über die statusbar gestartet werden - klasse!)

bitesms - SMS im querformat schreiben. außerdem beim kauf von credits SMS versand für nur 5 cent! ohne werbung!

APNediting - falls es den menüpunkt unter einstellungen, allgemein, netzwerk, mobiles datennetzwerk nicht gibt kann er mit diesem tool eingeblendet werden!
15 Августа 2009 17:36      
Бывший океанец
Сообщений: 9826072

есть интересная штука iPromoCode называется , но работает только для USA аккаунтов
18 Августа 2009 19:00      

Сообщений: 8821

igo - навигация (тут больше добавлять и не нужно)
SBSettings - быстрое включение/выключение синезуба и вайфая, ну и многие другие функции.
улыбоК тебЕ деД мокаР
царь прикажет - дураки найдутся!
23 Августа 2009 14:21      
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